A Guide For Adopting Equitable US Code

Download our full toolkit here.

Additional Resources

1. Video: A Tale of Two EV Drivers 

This short video clearly illustrates the differences in cost and convenience between charging at a single-family home and charging at an apartment complex without an assigned charging space. Organizations advocating for EV codes in their communities are encouraged to download the video and use it to support their outreach efforts. We provide two versions:

  1. Version One ends with the EVCAC website link.
  2. Version Two includes an additional blank tail at the end – feel free to use this longer version and add your local information and call to action at the end.

2. Fifty-state+ spreadsheet

This compendium lists current building codes in all fifty states plus Washington, DC and US Insular Areas (Puerto Rico, Guam, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, US Virgin Islands, American Samoa).

3. Webinar recording: how to use the toolkit

On October 5, 2023, EVCAC presented a webinar introducing this toolkit, called Creating Better EV Building Codes: What You Need to Know.

4. Slide deck for community education

Feel free to download the slide deck used in the webinar and use any or all of the slides to educate your community about the importance of EV readiness building codes. Please credit EV Charging for All Coalition when you share.


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