You requested it, you got it! Plug In America has updated our Plug-In Vehicle Tracker to allow filtering of vehicles by availability. When visiting the updated Vehicle Tracker, you will notice a new filter option, entitled “Availability”. The new filter will let you view only vehicles that are either currently available, not available, or currently available in the US.
The new filter reveals that there are 34 electric vehicles available for sale or lease in the US today. Considering that the list does not include low speed vehicles, that’s pretty amazing figure. The EV market surely has come a long way since the plug in vehicle tracker began, just over 2 years ago. Back then, the tracker listed only 66 upcoming vehicles. It now lists over 150 upcoming vehicles!
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It is our goal to keep the vehicle tracker as accurate as possible. If you notice a vehicle missing or incorrect data, please fill out our vehicle submission form.