Image courtesy of flickr user Scott Kirstner.
Plug In America this week sent copies of our consumer resource guide, “Charged Up & Ready To Roll: The Definitive Guide To Plug-in Electric Vehicles,” to all main libraries in Florida, funded by a generous donation from supporter Andrew Roddy. Last week we sent the guide to all main libraries in California, Oregon and Washington.
Another $765 donation would allow us to mail the guide to 60% of the 562 main libraries in the great State of Texas. Can you help?

Image courtesy flickr user Calcidyrose.
Why Texas next? Many good reasons. Austin has long been a center of interest in electric vehicles and is a launch city for some of the new plug-ins coming to market. Pike Research predicts that the Dallas and Houston areas will be two of the top six geographic regions for plug-in vehicles sales between 2011 and 2017, according to this report from VentureBeat. As plug-in cars start to mosey on down Texas roads, residents who see them for the first time will want to know more, and our consumer guides could be there to answer their questions.
If you’d like to see more electric vehicles and plug-in hybrids in the heart of oil country, please donate today. Then shoot an e-mail to sherry[at]pluginamerica.org letting me know that you donated and I’ll get the Texas guides going. If we don’t raise the full $765 we’ll send as many to Texas as donations will allow, so a contribution of any size helps. Click here to donate.
By the way, we’ve had a great response from the West Coast libraries so far, with requests from some to send extra copies of the resource guide so that they can share them with their branches and have more than one copy on hand for library patrons.
–Sherry Boschert