‘Tis the week to be thankful, so let me count the ways…
– Being part of the EV movement in the past 7 years has been a feast of rib-sticking satisfaction with exciting dishes of controversy. See Who Killed the Electric Car for details.
– I am thankful for my racy cousin Tesla, who brought us the winner dish this year, just as much as I love my conservative older brother GM who thinks his dish will be better, even though he hasn’t quite finished the recipe and I’m not sure he can afford the ingredients.
– It’s painful to watch some of the offerings melt before my eyes (perhaps Aptera ) and to see some relatives insist on bringing mystery dishes of dubious quality (Zap), while others r.s.v.p. each year that they’re coming but never do show up (EEstor).
– Then there’s my usually quiet brother-in-law Nissan, who this year shocked us all by betting EVerything — all in! — on one hand in the after-dinner poker game, declaring that he was turning over a new Leaf. I’m really starting to like this guy.
– Digestion is still a bit hard, though, what with the fumes wafting in from all the gasoline cars in the neighborhood, and more and more signs that the climate crisis could spoil dessert.
– I’m thankful that I was lucky enough to get my hands on an electric car in 2002, and now have nearly 75,000 miles of gasoline-free, emissions-free driving.
– Most of all, I’m thankful that after all this time, there are thousands of dedicated advocates like yourself who are still optimistically and assertively demanding EVs despite automaker intransigence, oil company shenanigans, environmentalist foot-dragging, and economic meltdown. We don’t have the main course yet, but the appetizers have kept us going.
Happy holidays, everyone.
by Sherry Boschert, Plug In America board member
Photo courtesy of CarbonNYC under Creative Commons license.