Last December, I started collecting data for a study of the current state of EV Charging Infrastructure. Dozens of Plug In America supporters volunteered to survey local charging sites belonging to the Blink and ChargePoint networks and report on things like parking policy, station condition and station availability. Combining that information with other data collected allows me to build a picture of where we stand today with networked charging infrastructure.
The site survey focuses on determining how often an EV driver can expect to find charging (or disappointment) when visiting a charging site. Other aspects of the study will address station use and availability, and how such things as which network, time of day, day of week, and billing effect station use.

Charger station
At EVS-26, I will release a paper titled, “Are Taxpayer and Private Dollars Creating Effective Electric Vehicle Infrastructure?” with the results of that study. I will be available to discuss the study results at Dialog with the Experts, Poster Session 1 in the main exhibit hall on May 7th from 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm. I hope to see you there!
The study is ongoing. Please join the survey if you’d like to help describe the charging sites near you. More results will be released after EVS26.