In addition to the NEVI formula program, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law entrusted the Joint Office to implement the Charging and Fueling Infrastructure (CFI) discretionary grant program. Unlike the NEVI formula funding, under this program, public entities such as states, local governments, housing authorities, schools, and tribes compete for grants to build charging infrastructure in communities.
The first round of CFI funding recipients, $623 million, was announced in January. The program was oversubscribed due to strong interest and momentum in building community EV charging. Many qualified applicants did not receive funding. This second round of funding is over $1.3 billion and includes $521.2 million specifically for applicants from the first round that did not receive awards. The remaining $800 million is for new applications.
Here are key takeaways from round 2 of the CFI grants:
- NEVI 10 Funding: CFI funding is augmented by funding set aside from the NEVI formula program. 10% of NEVI Formula program funding is set aside to provide additional assistance to strategically deploy EV charging.
- Two Types of Grants: The grants will fall into two categories: Community Program and Corridor Program.
- Community Program grant awards range between ($500,000-$15 million) and support public charging in communities.
- Corridor Program grant awards start at $1 million (with no maximum award amount) and support charging along designated alternative fuel corridors.
- Justice40: Justice 40 is a federal goal that at least 40% of overall benefits from federal programs and investments flow to disadvantaged communities that are marginalized by underinvestment and overburdened by pollution. All grants must demonstrate that benefits will flow to Justice40 communities.
- Accessibility: All funded projects must be accessible and usable by people with disabilities.
- Round 1 Resubmission: If you submitted a grant application under round 1 that wasn’t funded, but was identified as “highly qualified” or “qualified”, you can easily resubmit your application without modifying it. Just email by July 1, 2024.
- Round 2 Applications: If you want to apply for round 2 funding, submit by 11:59 EST August 28, 2024.
- Cost Share: Required. The grant will cover 80% of project costs. Applicant must contribute 20% of the total project cost.
- Criteria: Projects will be evaluated on 5 merits:
- Safety
- Climate Change, Resilience, and Sustainability
- Equity, Community Engagement, and Justice40
- Workforce, Job Creation, and Wealth Creation
- CFI Program Vision
- Changes from Round 1 Requirements: Round 2 has a couple of key changes from earlier requirements:
- NEVI formula funding specifies that chargers must be within 1 mile from the highway. These corridor grants allow chargers to be up to 5 miles from the highway.
- Community program grants will support charging infrastructure in public parking facilities even if they charge a fee to park.
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