In our latest episode of Ask the EV Experts, we answer a question from Brian in Oregon. Have a question of your own? Post it on Facebook, Tweet at us or email us at #AskTheEVExpert
I’ve heard a lot about how electric cars don’t need any maintenance – is that really true?
While it isn’t accurate to say that electric cars need ZERO maintenance, it’s true that all-electric cars need almost zero maintenance.
Take for instance, the new all-electric Chevy Bolt. The owner’s manual, which is available online (PDF), states that other than rotating the tires and checking vehicle coolant level and windshield washer fluid level every 7500 miles, the only other required maintenance is changing the cabin air filter every 22,500 miles, replacing brake fluid every five years, and flushing vehicle coolant every 150,000 miles. And this isn’t unique to the Bolt; the same goes for other all-electric vehicles.
For plug-in hybrids, maintenance is a bit more like your average gas car, except with greater intervals between servicing. Since plug-in hybrids use their gas motor much less than a gas car, there is less of a need for regular servicing. Plug-in hybrids also benefit from several advantages of their electric powertrain; because plug-in hybrids and all-electrics primarily use the resistance of the electric motor for vehicle braking, brake pads and rotors don’t need to be changed nearly as often. By using the battery for the initial miles of every trip, plug-in hybrids don’t need to have their oil changed nearly as often as a gas car does.
The monetary savings from maintenance are in fact one of the great benefits of owning a plug-in car, not to mention a huge time-saver.