Plug In America has now launched its 2025 annual survey and invites you (if you live in the U.S.) to take a few minutes to share your experience with or perceptions of electric vehicles.

Take the 2025 EV Driver Survey (U.S. Residents only)

Who can take the survey?

We welcome anyone in the U.S., whether they drive an EV or not,  to respond to the survey.

How will the results be used?

We use your feedback to get a pulse on topics, such as charging, dealerships, purchase considerations, barriers to adoption, and more.

Once our analysis is complete, we will share it with you and the public.

Why should I take the survey?

This is your chance to describe your experience with or perceptions of EVs, and affect change. Players in the automotive, utility, and EV industries turn to surveys to guide their decision-making, while journalists and others use the results to put current events into a broader context and gain a greater understanding of the EV landscape. 

How long will it take me to complete the survey?

It will take less than 15 minutes. Once you’re done, we would love it if you asked a friend to take it.

Will you share my personal information with anyone?

No, we never sell or rent personal information.

Take the 2025 EV Driver survey

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