Exciting news! Right now, we have a key opportunity to ensure equity for residents of apartments and condos in the next CALGreen building code cycle. Speak up today if you agree that California’s multi-family residents – who are more likely to be low-wealth, BIPOC, and/or more burdened with air pollution – deserve the same access to affordable and convenient at-home electric vehicle (EV) charging that residents of new single-family homes have enjoyed since 2015!
The CA Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) is taking comments through August 1st on the intervening CALGreen code cycle. Help us to flood HCD’s inbox with thousands of emails urging them to ensure access to EV Ready charging for every new multi-family unit with parking!
Here’s how to help (do one or both):
- If you are an individual: Take 30 seconds now to send a letter to HCD. Feel free to edit and make it your own, or just hit send! Deadline: August 1 by 5pm Pacific.
- If you represent an organization: Very important: Take 1 minute to add your organization to the EV Charging For All Coalition sign-on letter to HCD. Even if you have signed onto our previous letters, please fill out this simple Google form to sign onto this new letter. Deadline: July 28 at noon Pacific.
- If you have any questions: Contact evchargingaccess@gmail.com.
With your support, we can show HCD that a strong and growing coalition of EV, equity, public health, labor, environmental justice, and climate advocates wants them to ensure charging equity for California’s apartment and condo residents. Demand justice for all and action commensurate with the public health and climate crises we are facing.
Thank you for speaking up today!
Linda, Allis, Dwight, Guy, Jared, Marc, Michelle, Sven, and Vanessa for the EV Charging for All Coalition!
P.S. Our EV charging equity bill will be heard in the Assembly Appropriations Committee on August 3. Once the Assembly returns from recess in August, we’ll reach out to you again with more ways to support SB1482!