August 6, 2021
Contact: Noah Barnes, Plug In America
(323) 333-8010
Plug In America on Biden’s call for 50% ZEVs by 2030: We can do more
LOS ANGELES—The White House has just announced the release of proposed rulemaking on vehicle emissions and efficiency standards for model years 2023–2026. The rules will help reverse the previous administration’s rollback of standards set in the Obama Administration to increase the gas mileage of light-duty vehicles each year. Additionally, President Biden issued an executive order that sets a voluntary goal of having 50% of all new light-duty vehicle sales be electric by 2030.
In response, Plug In America Executive Director Joel Levin made the following statement:
“While Plug In America commends President Biden in taking us towards a zero-emission transportation sector, we know that the U.S. auto industry is capable of doing far more and doing it faster. The proposed rules from the Biden Administration should represent a floor rather than a ceiling of the federal government’s efforts to sharply increase the electric vehicle share of the market. And our efforts should have regulatory teeth and not rely on voluntary industry commitments. Ultimately, the president’s announcement today should be the beginning of a process that leads to 100% electric vehicle sales by 2035 or before. We also encourage the federal government to broaden its consultation with a more diverse cross-section of public stakeholders that have worked tirelessly on this issue.
“In 1961, President John F. Kennedy called on America to land a man on the moon by the end of that decade. He launched a national mission that, at its peak, employed some 400,000 people, inspired a generation, and created technological advances that benefit us even now. In moving to electrify transportation, we must be no less visionary.
“A bold policy vision will rebuild our aging infrastructure and assert American leadership in tomorrow’s energy and transportation technologies. It will create millions of good-paying jobs across numerous industries: automotive, electronics, power generation, basic materials, STEM education, and construction. And it will allow us to reclaim our skies and protect future generations from the devastation of climate change.”
About Plug In America
Plug In America is the nation’s leading independent consumer voice for accelerating the use of plug-in electric vehicles in the United States. Formed as a non-profit in 2008, Plug In America provides practical, objective information collected from our coalition of plug-in vehicle drivers, through public outreach and education, policy work and a range of technical advisory services. Our expertise represents the world’s deepest pool of experience of driving and living with plug-in vehicles. We drive electric. You can too.