June 19, 2018
Contact: Noah Barnes,
Jonathon Berman,
Plug In America and Sierra Club release the AchiEVe: Model State & Local Policies to Accelerate Electric Vehicle Adoption Toolkit
Today, Plug In America and the Sierra Club released the AchiEVe: Model State & Local Policies to Accelerate Electric Vehicle Adoption toolkit. This policy guide details the most effective policies for growing the electric vehicle (EV) market at the state, city, and local levels.
“The EV market is growing rapidly, but we need strong policy to support the markets transition from the early adopter phase into the mass market stage. This toolkit will help policymakers, utilities, and clean transportation advocates implement policies in their local communities that will expand electric vehicle adoption in ways that are both effective and equitable,” says Mary Lunetta, Campaign Representative for Sierra Club’s Electric Vehicles Initiative and one of the main authors of the report.
The toolkit includes classic policies for EV drivers such as vehicle rebates, tax credits, and policies that permit access to the HOV lanes in a state, but also includes policies that expand access to charging infrastructure, address equity issues for disadvantaged communities, and promote consumer protection.
“Access to charging infrastructure is one of the greatest barriers to increased EV adoption. This toolkit looks at a number of ways to increase access and install more charging stations – not only through updating building codes, but also through innovative programs and partnerships, such as streetlight charging programs, utility investments, and right-of-way charging programs,” noted Katherine Stainken, Policy Director with Plug In America.
The toolkit looks at states and cities who have implemented each policy, and provides a template that can be downloaded and customized for the state, city or community.
Read the full report at on the PIA site and the Sierra Club blog on the toolkit.
For further information, please contact Noah Barnes at or (323) 333-8010, or Jon Berman at
About Plug In America
Plug In America is the nation’s leading independent consumer voice for accelerating the use of plug-in electric vehicles in the United States. Formed as a non-profit in 2008, Plug In America provides practical, objective information collected from our coalition of plug-in vehicle drivers, through public outreach and education, policy work and a range of technical advisory services. Our expertise represents the world’s deepest pool of experience of driving and living with plug-in vehicles. The organization conceived National Drive Electric Week and has advanced workplace charging by pioneering ride and-drive events at such leading corporations as Google, Mattel and Paramount Pictures. We drive electric. You can too.